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Locksmith Services near Bakersfield, CA

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  1. US Mobile Truck Repair


    Santa Clarita,CA

    Highway Location: Hwy 14 & Hwy 5, Exit 2 from 14 Hwy, From 5 Hwy Valecia Blvd Exit

    • Truck Repair
    • Trailer Repair
    • Tire Repair & Service
    • Heavy Duty Towing Service
    • Locksmith Services
    • RV Dealers

    71 miles from you

    About US Mobile Truck Repair

    we do all Truck Repair and Trailer Repair we Do Truck Computer Diagnostic and any kind trailer floor reefer floor fix any kind Reefer repair and all suspension work truck and trailer we sale whole sale truck and trailer Tires new tire start from $199.00 and we sale all Heavy duty truck parts also. our Labor rate start from $75.00 an hour. we have full hi tech Repair shop. we do Truck Engine, clutch, Transmission all kind Excel work.

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Computer Diagnostics for Trucks or Engines

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