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Tire Repair & Service near Thousand Palms, CA

Providers 1 to 30 of 43:

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  1. Love's #207



    Highway Location: I-10, 146

    • Truck Repair
    • Tire Repair & Service
    • International Dealer
    • Truck Stops

    13 miles from you

  2. Valleywide Mobile Tire Repair


    Desert Hot Springs,CA

    Highway Location: I10

    • Tire Repair & Service

    14 miles from you

    About Valleywide Mobile Tire Repair

    24/7 commercial tire service covering I10 corridor from Cabazon to Desert Center; Hwy 62 to 29 Palms; Hwys 86 & 111 to El Centro

  3. Barela's Tire Service



    • Truck Repair
    • Tire Repair & Service

    58 miles from you

    About Barela's Tire Service

    We provide tire repair services, like emergency roadside assistance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. and light mechanic

  4. Tire Centers LLC



    • Tire Repair & Service

    68 miles from you

    About Tire Centers LLC

    Tirecenters, LLC. With over 150 locations across the United States, Tire Centers, LLC specializes in the distribution of passenger car and light truck tires, commercial truck tire sales and service solutions, and the manufacturer of industry leading custom and pre-mold truck retreads. We are Centered on Service.

  5. Border Tire



    Highway Location: Hwy 67 & I-8

    • Tire Repair & Service

    74 miles from you

    About Border Tire

    Tirecenters, LLC. With over 150 locations across the United States, Tire Centers, LLC specializes in the distribution of passenger car and light truck tires, commercial truck tire sales and service solutions, and the manufacturer of industry leading custom and pre-mold truck retreads. We are Centered on Service.

  6. Love's #374



    Highway Location: I-15, 178

    • Truck Repair
    • Tire Repair & Service
    • Truck Stops

    83 miles from you

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