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Auto Repair near Ainsworth Hot Springs, BC

Providers 1 to 7 of 7:

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  1. Dent Force



    • Auto Repair

    138 miles from you

    About Dent Force

    Dent Force has continued to grow since opening in 2005. Today, Dent Force has 3 body shop locations in Calgary (#7 6303 Burbank Rd SE Calgary, AB – ph: 403.457.4245), Airdrie (#205, 2914 Kingsview Blvd SE Airdrie, AB – ph: 403.948.5320) and our newest location in Red Deer (7450 – 49 Avenue Crescent Red Deer, AB – ph: 403.879.9546). But if you have a dent, a door ding or are in need of hail repair anywhere in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, we can repair your vehicle through any one of our many partner body shop locations. Our commitment to our clients is built on the same foundation as our company – a foundation of quality workmanship and exceptional service. Dent Force is proud to be 100% Canadian.

  2. instaMek



    • Auto Repair

    139 miles from you

    About instaMek

    Auto Repair at your Home or Office by our Red Seal-certified mobile mechanics. Offering over 500+ services, including tires, brakes, oil changes, and inspections.

  3. Mobile One Roadside Services


    Priest River,ID

    • Truck Repair

    140 miles from you

    About Mobile One Roadside Services

    Quality mobile repair service. Licensed and experienced, specializing in 24 hour emergency breakdown repairs. Portable OBDII computer diagnostics, passenger vehicles to tractor trailers. We welcome fleet services.

  4. German Car Specialist



    • Auto Repair

    141 miles from you

    About German Car Specialist

    German Car Specialist in Calgary, Alberta is an independent vehicle repair center specializing in maintaining and repairing.

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