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Auto Repair near Caledonia, ND

Providers 1 to 4 of 4:

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  1. Gille Auto


    Valley City,ND

    Highway Location: Hwy I-94, Exit 292

    • Tire Repair & Service
    • Heavy Duty Towing Service
    • Auto Repair
    • Auto Towing & Recovery

    38 miles from you

  2. Oakes Truck and Trailer



    Highway Location: ND 1, ND 11 US 281

    • Truck Repair
    • Trailer Repair
    • Tire Repair & Service
    • Heavy Duty Towing Service

    109 miles from you

    About Oakes Truck and Trailer

    Prompt, reliable service and repair on all makes of trucks and trailers. Roadside service and heavy duty towing and recovery available 24 hours. Large inventory of parts and tires. Shop hours from 6:00am to midnight. All technicians/drivers are certified and background checked. Extensive line up of heavy duty towing and recovery equipment including Rotator, 35 and 25ton trucks. Also two 30ton off-road winching machines and a 60ton tracked off-road track machine. No job is too big.

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